Reduce Spring Clean


It’s that time of year, Spring is on the way and we often get the urge to have a clear out, whether it’s in the house, shed or garage.

However, when you are clearing things out, consider whether the items are still in good condition; could they be useful to someone else?

Could they be repaired, repurposed, donated or even sold?

There are other options that don’t mean throwing items away but if you do have to, please recycle what you can or dispose of them correctly. The information below should help you decide.


A selection of used toys ready for rehoming

Instead of throwing away an item that you no longer need, have you considered giving it a new lease of life? Sometimes known as up-cycling it’s a great way to save money or to get creative and give the item a unique twist.

There are several ways to reuse items ranging from repurposing furniture, creating garden ornaments from old household bits and bobs or repairing or upcycling your old clothes. But if you really don’t want an item, you could give it a new home. There are multiple platforms out there for doing this, including giving it away or selling it via sites like Freecycle, Gumtree or Facebook Marketplace. Or you could take it to a charity shop; just be sure to check they are accepting what you wish to donate.

We have created a map to help Leicestershire residents find places for reuse more easily. This includes places to donate items such as clothes or even food at Community Fridges. You can view the map here

For other reuse tips and suggestions, have a look at


repair on electrical item


Perhaps you have an item in need of repair? There’s a huge satisfaction to be gained from making your own repairs but not all of us have the skills to fix a wide range of items. This is where lots of great organisations called fixer groups or repair cafés help people across Leicestershire. These are often run by volunteers with amazing skills that give up their time to help people and the environment. So if you need help with repairing an item check out the sites below to see what support they can

Leicestershire Reuse Map-

General fixing-

Bike fixing-


Recycling at Home


If there are things that can’t be repaired, rehomed, or reused, please try to recycle as many as you can. Putting the correct items in the recycling helps reduce contamination and can make a big impact on the amount we recycle in Leicestershire, having a positive impact on the environment.

We know it can be confusing and so please follow our tips to help you get the most of your recycling:

  • Ensure items are clean and dry don’t forget that items such as drinks cans, foil and aerosol cans can be recycled from home.
  • Put lids back on jars and bottles before recycling this makes sure the lids get captured.
  •  Remember to recycle items from all around the house including cleaning product bottles and toilet roll tubes from the bathroom which often get forgotten.
  • Metal Matters don’t forget that items such as drinks cans, foil and aerosol cans can be recycled from home.

Clean recycling is key to improving the quality and quantity of material we recycle, so let’s make every item count. Don’t contaminate the load.



Clothes on rail

Whilst they can be reused or recycled, your home recycling bin isn’t the place for clothes or other textiles. There are two reasons for this:

  • When your recycling is collected it is sent for sorting and textiles can become wrapped around the sorting facility equipment, causing extensive and costly damage.
  • During mixed recycling collections, textiles come into contact with all sorts of contamination, including unidentifiable liquids and broken glass, which is impossible to remove.

We recommend selling them, donating them or taking to a recycling bank – you can find the nearest one at  Your local council may also offer a separate clothing collection so make sure to check with them. Charities often provide bags for clean good quality textiles that they will collect, which is another great option.

Batteries and Small WEEE (waste electrical and electronic equipment)

row of AA batteries

Batteries and small electrical items are not accepted in your main recycling bin but some councils do provide a separate collection from your home. Check out for more information.

If your local council doesn’t offer this service you may find local places, supermarkets, retailers or other places you can take items.


Still not sure if an item can be recycled?

If you are a Leicestershire resident then a full list of what to do with unwanted items is available here.  We also have guidance on what goes in your recycling bin at home on

You can also take a look at Recycle Now’s A-Z of What to-do-with guide for further guidance.


Recycling and Household Waste Sites

Not all items can be recycled or thrown away at home, some may need to be taken to your local Recycling and Household Waste Site (RHWS) if other options are not available.

The sites can accept a range of items, although it can vary slightly from site to site and so do check what your local site accepts before you travel there. Further information can be found here:

Any items that are in good condition can be left at ReHome Zones at the sites where they are saved to be used again. You can find which sites have a rehome zone’s and what they can accept at


Home Composting

Compost Bin

The arrival of spring may mean you’re venturing out into the garden, getting it tidy and ready for the summer. Spring is the perfect time of year to consider home composting.

Home composting is a planet-friendly way of turning your waste garden materials and fruit and veg peelings into a useful product that will improve the nutrition and structure of your soil to benefit the plants you grow. We offer workshops to help people get started on their composting journeys which can be found here

If you’re already a keen home composter, then you’ll know that spring is a good time to sort the compost bin and make use of the compost you’ve made.

Further information on home composting can be found on our website: