Do you buy more food than you can eat?
May 20, 2019

Of the astonishing 7.2 million tonnes of food wasted in our homes each year, the majority finds its way into the bin because it becomes inedible before we have chance to eat it.
Although there are things we can do to preserve food and extend it’s usable life, that takes effort. When it comes to making a decision between spending time cataloging the contents of the freezer v’s almost anything else, if most people are honest, the freezer rarely wins. Food waste is the casualty.
With this in mind, one of the easiest approaches to dealing with this problem is to let the shop take care of the food for you. Buying only what you need when you need it and treating your local food retailer as a larder means that the shop takes on the responsibility of caring for the food, and you’ll enjoy access only to the freshest ingredients. The best bit about this approach is that as well as reducing food waste and freeing you of some of your commitments to your freezer, it can save you money too as when done well (buy avoiding the temptation of special offers) it involves buying less food.
Love Food Hate Waste will be giving more information on how and why people should take this approach over the coming moths, but here’s a quick video to get you started.